"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a 1945 American horror and supernatural drama film, written and directed by Albert Lewin and produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The film is known for its masterful adaptation of Oscar Wilde's iconic novel, winning the Oscar for "Best Black and White Cinematography", receiving three nominations in total, as well as winning the Golden Globe for "Best Supporting Actress" for Angela Lansbury's role in the film.
Dorian Gray is a handsome, rich and young man, but the thought of growing old terrifies him. Thanks to the intervention of an evil force, Dorian manages to remain eternally young, while his portrait ages and reflects the atrocity of his sins.
What will you find?
A successful adaptation, supported by impeccable photography, consistent dialogues and endowed with an aura of reflection centered on excesses, the search for pleasure and its terrible consequences.