‘The Simpsons: Couch Gag’ is a tetralogy of stop-motion animated short films
started in 2015, created by British stop-motion animator Lee Hardcastle. Horror
and black humour shorts inspired by different pop culture films.
‘The Simpsons: Couch Gag: You're next’. Short film inspired by the 2011
slasher film ‘You're Next’.
‘The Simpsons: Couch Gag: Reservoir Dogs’. Short film inspired by the 1992
cult classic ‘Reservoir Dogs’.
‘The Simpsons: Couch Gag: Fabulous secrets powers’. Short film inspired by
the 2005 animated parody video, ‘He Man: Fabulous secrets powers’.
‘The Simpsons: Couch Gag": “Joker”. Short film inspired by the 2019 film, ‘Joker‘, and 1976’s ‘Taxi Driver’.
What will you find?
4 simple short films, based on nostalgia and endowed with an excellent
atmosphere, thanks to the hard work of a great artist...
The short film series ‘The Simpson: Couch Gag’ is currently available online.